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DEScribe connection issues


A few points if you're having trouble connecting to DEScribe.

  • Be sure to allow sufficient time for drivers to install (if applicable) when a new product is connected via USB.
  • The Sabertooth or Syren must be "on" to work with DEScribe. Verify this by the on-board Status LED.
  • For USB Sabertooth (2x32), verify that your micro USB cable is capable of data transfer or syncing. Charge-only cables will not work.
  • For non-USB enabled motor drivers, be sure that the converter you are using is specified as "USB to TTL."  RS-232 will not work, and also can cause damage to the motor driver.
  • It does not hurt to swap the Tx/Rx lines if you are still having difficulties, as some converters may not be clearly labeled. Do not swap the ground and power lines.



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Article details
Article ID: 25
Category: Software
Date added: 2020-07-09 18:43:39
Views: 883
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.8/5.0 (18)

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