The most common error while tuning the Kangaroo is "wiring error" (one flash of the LED), or "No Feedback Detected" (when using DEscribe).
Encoder signals are very susceptible to noise or interference. Using shielded cable is your best solution to eliminating this error.
Open collector encoders without pull-up resistors installed may also report such an error. See the datasheet of your encoder to find out if resistors are recommended. Usually, a 1k resistor placed between "A" and "5V," and another one placed between "B" and "5V" of the encoder feedback lines should work in most cases.
Limit switch signals are also susceptible to noise. Shielded cable should be used here as well. Limit switch errors (six LED flashes or DEScribe error message) are most commonly triggered by signal interference. But also make sure your switch is normally closed and reading 0V (LOW) before the start of the tune.
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